Join Wildfire for a free webinar on Friday March 02 about,"Timeline for Brands: How to make the switch." Every person that registers will receive Wildfire's white paper, "Best Practices for Brand Timeline Management."
On February 29th Facebook announced the transition of brand pages on Facebook from the previous profile-like format to the new style: Timeline. This major update affects not only the look and feel of brand pages, but their function and best practices for how to use them.
The switch to Timeline is available for all page owners now, but will be automatically pushed to all pages at the end of March. That leaves just one month to understand the changes, optimize the features, and recreate a Facebook marketing strategy for your brand.
There's a lot to learn, but we're here to help. Join us this Friday at 10am PST for a free webinar— we'll take a comprehensive look at every new feature and go through all the changes you need to keep top-of-mind when re-working the Facebook strategy for your brand.
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